Dedicated to some brave men

It's warm here! In bed that is, it's freezing outside. So we don't get out of bed until 11! To be fair we were asleep until gone 10. We may not have walked far yesterday but it was hard work.
Skulked around in the van doing craft things whilst the cold rain persisted outside. Eventually we braved the elements and walked into town. And missed the rain. The Lymouth museum provided perfect shelter when it inevitably came. Interesting little town museum, the highlights for me being the poignant memorial to the 1952 Lymouth flood when 39 died and many properties were simply washed away and the soul-lifting tale of derring-do when in 1899 the Lymouth lifeboat was taken overland to Porlock. Unable to launch and go round the coast to the aid of a sicken ship off Porlock the crew and volunteers hauled the boat overland. Any knowledge of the terrain around here and you'd realise what a feat that was. From sea level at Lymouth to the height of the Empire State Building on the moor above Porlock, before descending the incredibly steep drop into the town itself, the heaviest object ever to descend Porlock Hill at the time. Gate posts were uprooted, trees dawn down and even a garden wall demolished to make enough room to get the boat through. All night, in the cold and rain with no break for food. An incredible feat indeed!
All the coffee shops in town were closed or closing so a swift pint had to suffice before back to the van for dinner and then or last couple of pints of Fat Belly Brewery ales.
Let's hope the weather stays to improve!