Monday - well that didn't last long

Internet access that is. No internet here on site but good 3G for me and OK for Liz. So a morning of catching up emails etc. Liz has a poorely foot, probably rheumatism and almost certainly exascerbated by the 9 mile rugged cairn walk on Orkney and then not rested with other Orkney walks and the Handa puffin walk. So today and tomorrow, at least are resting days. The campsite is right on the edge of the town so we do 3 trips! First one is to the Post Office to see if Henry's birthday present will actually fit as small parcel, it does, just. So buy wrapping paper and tape and back to the van to wrap. Trip 2, post the package, donate all our copper to the Girlguiding Ullapool collection box in the Post Office and then on round to Tescos for some shopping. A whole rucksack full and heavy enough to necessitate a return to the van to unload and lunch. Chill or a while and get ready to go back up town. Hmm, people seem to be fussing about with electric cables. Oh, looks like the campsite has lost electricity - the trip to town begins to look an even better idea. First shop looks interesting, a kind of hardware/outdoor clothing specialist and we get just inside the door before realising the shop is in darkness. Ah, the power cut isn't restricted to the campsite. Walk along the main street and shops are closed, Boots the Chemist locked up for the day. Even if customers could see what they wanted to purchase, modern commercialism requires computer controlled electronic tills. No power, no shopping. OK, plan B. There's a cafe/bar/musicstore/bookshop at the top of the road. The shop part will be closed but maybe the bar has handpumps. Surely they don't need electricity. Say what you like about CAMRA, they have made sure you can get a pint in a power cut! Yep - and the till must have been open when the power went off (or have a manual opening) as they could take our money. So a quiet pint and do some web research for tomorrow's campsite. Nope - no internet access - the power has taken out any phone masts in the area. Indeed reports come into the cafe that Lochinver some 20km as the eagle flies (and at least 50% further as the campervan winds) is down also. The whole area is out. Oh well that internet access was short lived. Fortunately we are self contained - the van has gas so dinner is no problem - including samphire for the first time. I hadn't realised Scotland had a samphire market, I thought it all came from East Anglia. Wrong again, this Tescos product is produce of Israel! And you might guess, just as we need to boil a kettle for dinner the lekkie comes back on. Well at least tonight's folk club should take place - of course it should anyway - folk should be acoustic (Yes Judas Dylan, it's you I'm shouting at) but if the pub can't sell lager and keg beer then the venue itself might just become unavailable. Might be a nice sunset tonight but don't expect piccies - we're off down the pub.
Mentioning the sunset has just reminded me, written all this and not mentioned the weather. Bright sunshine, 23 deg, t-shirt and sandals. That's more like it. First really nice day all holiday.
Hurry up Harry, come on. We're going down the pub!