Rococco Schaffhausen

The TCS campsite just outside Schaffhuasen seems to have everything going for it. It is literally on the banks of the Rhine (Liz went for a paddle), about 1/2 mile from a Co-op hypermarket and less than a mile into Schaffhausen itself. It's partly shady but does have some quite small pitches and Edwin the manager tries to fit vans into appropriate size berths. However he does have an interesting sense of humour and a "Quote of the Day" written on a blackboard. Yesterday's was a quote from Jimi Hendrix and Edwin and I translated the German into "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will have peace" - right on, man!
A steep climb to the bastion
Schaffhausen is another town with medieval roots, the old town being overlooked by a bastion atop a vine clad hill. The tourist information is excellent and very helpful including an historical walking tour of the old town pointing out places of interest, available in English.
And stucco
Frescos everywhere
We ambled around the tour, taking in the shops as we past, climbing the seemingly endless steps up to the bastion and down again and finished outside the town museum in just over two hours. An interesting walk which doesn't photograph well because of the angles required to point upward to the rococco stucco faced houses.
(go on, I challenge you to find another sentence with two "cco" ending words juxtaposed!).
Pretty shutters on impressive architecture
The tour ends walking around the very well preserved cloisters of the Allerheligen monastery, the largest cloisters in Switzerland. Somewhat medatative to enjoy the near silence of cloisters that originated 900 years ago and have witnessed so many monastic footsteps.
A trip to Switzerland wouldn't be complete without William Tell