Guarding the fishes

Well wasn't yesterday's entry boring. My only defence is that the day itself was quite boring. 4 hours of tedious motorway driving. Very little to relate. And the pub wasn't very exciting. Apart from us, a maximum of 2 customers in the bar and being reticent South Wales almost impossible to strike up a conversation. Still the food wasn't bad and we slept well. Here's a picture of the pub

Breakfast in the van and in to Haverford West - somehow I thought this a modern, almost English town but the castle ruins overlooking it proved me wrong. Didn't visit the town centre but edge of town shopping was surprisingly comprehensive for what I'd thought a small local market town. Morrisons was large, had clean, all so important toilets, and a good range of local beers. Trying not to carry much beer in the van this trip, but, come on, who could not buy Welsh Cake Stout!

The road to Haverford West and on to Fishguard was surprisingly fast and we are here at the ferry port in amazing time. Pretty route too, the odd crag (or perhaps castle ruins) fragmenting the skyline. Lots of ladies' slipper flowers on the verge, not so common back home.

Fishguard itself is a pretty little town with narrow streets requiring negotiation with oncoming traffic. Pity there was nowhere easy for photo opportunities.

Anyway a ferry awaits.