Sunday - lots to see, little to say
Driving day again today, on down to Ullapool - if only to get wifi. Managed just about here in Scourie - there was a very weak BT Fon which I could occassionally access for long enough to log in and do about 30 secs worth of upload before being dropped. When I say occassionally I mean twice in about 30 attempts! Phone signal is weird, my 3 network phone shows great voice signal strength but not a glimmer of data. Liz gets neither but round at Handa yesterday she got both - on an island offshore and only on tiny areas on the island when she got line of sight of some mast. I digress, the route today is simple, a straight run down the scenic route A road to Ullapool no more than 50 miles away, with a little diversion to Lochinver and the Assynt vistors centre for information on the Golden and White-Tailed Eagles in the area. Lochinver can be approached from 2 directions but to do the circular route means taking the single-track northern road, the map showing more arrows than at Little Big Horn. We'll just take the better southern road in and back-track out. Stunning, stunning scenary all the way. This is a Geopark of international significance, which means it does have some stunning rock, and lots of it, in great big high mountainous lumps too, with lochs and tarns speckling the roadside and cascading waterfalls adding to the sense of picturesque. Only downside is the overcast, dull weather meaning poor light for any photos. So we don't try. Well, apart from this one: