And on to Besançon

One of the problems with blogging daily is that some days there just isn't too much to say. Once again Tomtom helped us find the road less travelled and the journey down through rural France was pleasant enough, just nothing worthwhile to comment on.
The campsite too was ho-hum; back 10 years or so it would have been spectacular with its rotunda facilities and all manner of sporting activities as well as the river access. Sadly it's gone a bit to seed. Nice enough for a municipal site but nothing to write home about. Also just a bit too close to the main road and railway line to experience the countryside. On the plus side a bus into the town centre, at 7km just too far to walk, and a huge Carrefour are only a few minutes walk away.
Highlight of an otherwise pleasant but unexciting day? Not sure whether it was managing to bypass a blocked road even after Tomtom insisted in rerouting us back to the blockage or whether it was discovered how to compose c cidilla on this machine.
Liz relaxing after a long day 'passengering'